Roadmap to
As you read the information below, this could be the beginning of a whole new life...
Broken: We live broken lives in a broken world. As a result, no matter what we try apart from God, we will never experience the life that God intended for us. We are lost in the world, far from the home God intended for us, and without Him no way back to the God who created us (Luke 15, Isaiah 53:6, NIV).
Busted: The problem is that our world is busted and broken and all this is a result of sin, both collectively and individually. As a consequence of living without God, we are separated from Him and no effort on the part of human beings can rectify that. Sadly, the penalty of sin is separation from God and eternal punishment(Romans 3:23, Revelation 20:11-15, NIV).
Betrayed: Tragically, someone called Satan wants to destroy our lives altogether. He has no sympathy or love for those God has created and wants to rob us of every opportunity to hear about God’s rescue plan for the human race (John 10:10, NIV).
Blessed: The good news is that God has a rescue plan. A story of love, sacrifice, and freedom that is available to us today, and no matter how bad we feel or how low we have sunk, there is a way up and a way out (John 3:16, NIV).
If would you like to consider inviting Jesus into your life, click here.
Bruised: But first someone had to die so that we could avoid the worst death possible. Jesus loved us enough to make that sacrifice. He died on the cross and rose again and is the perfect solution to the problem of our sin. Only through Jesus can we find our way back to God. (Isaiah 53:4-6, Romans 5:6-8, NIV).
Buzzed: A lot of people look for many things in life to give them a buzz. Without God, our buzz will be short-lived and may even take us to places we never wanted to go. However, today, if we repent of our sins, our buzz that lasts forever may truly begin. We will be happy to introduce you to Jesus. (John 5:24, John 8:36, Revelation 21:1-4, NIV).
We believe that communities are at their best when they work, talk, care, and share and Jesus reminded us that the greatest of the commandments was to love God and our neighbour. At Timeless Theological Academy we want to try to do both. Therefore, we open our cafe on a Thursday night from 7.00 pm until 9.00 pm and we are often seen on the streets hoping to help others and when the opportunities arise share our faith. If you see us around, say hello.
If you want to find out more about our theological academy, click here.
We are open every Thursday night from 7.00 PM - 9.00 PM to find out more, click here.
We believe the Bible encourages us to take the gospel onto the streets and into people's homes, click here.
Are you lonely, fearful, hungry, or at risk? Then contact us and we may be able to help, click here.
If you would like to pray for our ministry and keep informed about what is happening, click here.
For a sample chapter of the Properly Buzzed evangelism study pack, click here.